So back in the 80s and early 90s, when I wasn’t down the park with my mates and a football, or on my BMX, I grew up playing with my electric train set, super cup football, World Cup Cricket, Pro Action Soccer, and most of all, Subbuteo.
I’ve still got all my teams and various bits and pieces that I’ve built up over the years. At some point I lost my original set and pitch in a house move – no idea where it went – but managed to get a 2nd hand pitch on ebay and was back up to playing again!
I’ve even taught my 3 daughters how to play and we love a good sunday afternoon game.

I run a digital agency by day, so through lockdown I’ve been lucky that our work hasn’t been dramatically affected. However, as a part time photographer, all events and music is off right now. Meaning I needed to get my creative juices going some other way!
I’d seen various subbuteo art online for teams, players and memorable moments of key games or finals, but nothing that seemed custom or personalised. So I created a mockup for my daughters team (Minster FC) and it’s exploded from there.
I’ve since made (or making) art for a variety of well know names in sport and tv – Ben Shephard sharing his video (below) was an amazing boost and led to a few West Ham players booking their orders in! Super exciting.
It’s been quite a whirlwind month – I’ll be honest, I’m overwhelmed with the response and the following and engagement on my content, images and posts on instagram, twitter and facebook combined (40,000 views of that video so far, 60,000 facebook engagements on my content and a few famous faces now following me.
If you want your own one – head over to the shop!